Tuesday, January 22, 2013

my 1st supplement from Shaklee - vitalea iron formula

Assalamualaikum wbt

Hari ni saya nak share sikit tentang supplemen pertama yang saya ambik from shaklee - Vitalea iron formula.
tujuan utama saya ambik vitalea ni sebenarnya nak prepare diri sendiri sebelum pregnant kali ke-2. kerap kali saya diingatkan oleh bos saya (pakar O&G) mase 1st pregnancy hari tu tentang betapa pentingnya preparation before mengandung.

sebenarnya dari zaman medical student lagi mmg dah blaja kepentingan good nutrition and folic acid before mengandung.even my O&G lecturer pon advise suruh ambik 3 tahun before mengandung.tapi yela dengan kekangan masa dan kerja yg sangat busy dengan oncall 8-9 kali sebulan, mmg saya tak ambik cakna la sangat pasal kesihatan.janji cukup makan je hehe..

satu hari tu terfikir lah utk mengandung lagi since anak pon dh besar. pastu saya teringat balik kata2 nasihat dari pakar2 O&G dan lecturer saya sebelum ni. banyak jugak saya baca from the internet tentang good nutrition before pregnant, mother's preparation before pregnancy etc. lepas tu, ade kawan tgh promote shaklee kat facebook. awalnye saya tak brapa yakin sbb saya mmg dari dulu bukan jenis yg ambik supplemen. banyak la saya argue dgn kawan tu pasal shaklee vitalea ni sebelum Allah membukakan hati saya utk mencuba :)

saya ade bace review pasal vitalea before saya comsume.ade review menyatakan badan rasa cergas dan bertenaga selepas tak sampai seminggu ambik vitalea.masa saya cuba tu, mmg takde la effect sebegitu pantas. sbb nya saya ni tak compliance pada ubat.culas! makan pon selang2 hari mane yg ingat ambik mane yg tak ingat tinggal hehehe..bile dh masuk 2nd month tu baru tekad tak nak culas lagi. Alhamdulillah saya rasa the difference. badan rase energized.tak la slalu rase mnegantuk nak tido je pagi2 nak gi keje. boleh bergerak aktif walopon oncall byk kali sebulan disamping menguruskan anak dan rumahtangga tanpa bantuan sesape (my husband sibuk dgn kerja mase tu sbb tgh involve ngn project, jadi balik lewat selalu menjadi rutin hariannya disamping weekend kerja non-stop).

kenapa saya tak ambik vitamin dari hospital je sedangkan saya ni doktor dan senang2 je boleh dapat ubat free dari hospital??? mesti ade jugak org yg tertanya2 kan?saya ade reason sendiri. sbb utamanya ialah saya ni culas makan ubat.makan yg sebijik sehari pon dh culas apatah lagi nak makan hematinics (4 bijik sehari). kalau nak ambik supplement hospital,xde yg sebijik multivitamin.kene ambik vitamin asing2 (total 4 biji la biasanya)dulu farmasi hospital mmg ade tablet mutivitamin, tapi sejak 2-3 tahun lepas kementerian kesihatan dah tak benarkan order multivitamin lagi.maybe nak cut budget kot sbb multivitamin mmg mahal pon actually.pernah tanye pharmacist dulu, dia cakap harga sebotol multivitamin dalam rm80 (from germany tapi tak tau brand ape).pastu patients pulak ade yang jenis tak reti nak hargai ubat free, bile tak makan terus buang je..sangat membazir kan? sbb kedua ialah saya nak supplemen yg ade iron formula jugak nk prepare a good hemoglobin level sebelum mengandung. dan sememangnya tablet ferrous fumerate 200mg (iron tablet) dari farmasi hospital saya tak boleh nak compliance dari dulu lagi disebabkan oleh sembelit yg sgt teruk. so bile saya tgk ingredient dlm vitalea iron formula ni, ade jugak ferrous fumerate yg menyebabkan sembelit tu, cume dalam kuantiti yg sedikit 9mg je. so saya decide utk try.mane tahu with such a small amount of iron, saya tak sembelit dan dlm masa yg sama boleh add on iron in my body. alhamdulillah everything went smoothly ;)

below are the shaklee vitalea iron formula contents :
  1. vitamin A (as beta carotene)   1250IU/tab
  2. vitamin A (as vitamin A acetate)   1250 IU/tab
  3. vitamin C ( as ascorbic acid)    60mg/tab
  4. vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)   200IU/tab
  5. vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl acid succinate)   30IU/tab
  6. Thiamin (as thiamine mononitrate)   0.75mg/tab
  7. riboflavin   0.85mg/tab
  8. niacin (as niacinamide)  10mg/tab
  9. vitamin B6 ( as pyridoxine hydrochloride)   1mg/tab
  10. folate (as folic acid)  200mcg/tab
  11. vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin)   3mcg/tab
  12. biotin ( as d-biotin)   150mcg/tab
  13. pantothenic acid (as d-calcium patothenate)  5mg/tab
  14. calcium (as dicalcium phosphate)  225mg/tab
  15. phosphorus (as dicalcium phosphate)  175mg/tab
  16. iodine (as potassium iodide and sea kelp)   75mcg/tab
  17. magnesium (as magnesium oxide)   100mg/tab
  18. zinc (as zinc gluconate)  7.5mg/tab
  19. selenium (as trace mineral protein hydrolysate)  35mcg/tab
  20. copper (as copper gluconate) 1mg/tab
  21. manganese (as manganese gluconate)  1mg/tab
  22. chromium (as trace mineral protein hydrolysate)  60mcg/tab
  23. molybdenum (as trace mineral protein hydrolysate) 37.5mcg/tab
  24. nickel (as trace mineral protein hydrolysate)   7.5mcg/tab
  25. tin ( as trace mineral protein hydrolysate)   5mcg/tab
  26. vanadium (as trace mineral protein hydrolysate   10mcg/tab
  27. boron (as trace mineral protein hydrolysate)   0.5mg/tab
  28. iron (as ferrous fumerate)   9mg/tab
kat sini saya nak share serba sedikit tentang kepentingan pengambilan folic acid sebelum dan semasa mengandung.

folic acid atau nama lainnya vitamin B9 banyak terdapat dalam sayuran hijau eg bayam, jus oren etc. banyak kajian menyatakan bahawa pengambilan folic acid sebanyak 400mcg/day sebelum pregnant dan trimester pertama pregnancy boleh mengurangkan risiko bayi dalam kandungan mendapat "neural tube defect" (kecacatan melibatkan kerencatan berkembangan otak dan saraf tunjang) sebanyak 70%.

di antara contoh2 neural tube defect yang biasa berlaku ialah :
  1. spina bifida
  2. anencephaly
  3. encephalocele
kebiasaannya "neural tube defects" berlaku seawal 28 hari mengandung - time frame di mana kita sendiri pon tak tau atau tak sedar kita mengandung! sebab itulah wanita dalam lingkungan childbrearing age sangat penting mengamalkan pemakanan seimbang dan pengambilan supplemen seperti folic acid yg mencukupi demi memastikan future pregnancy takde masalah. sesetengah yang merancang utk mengandung mungkin mempunyai kesedaran ini tapi 50% dari pregnancies were unexpected! =)

ok la..kalo ade ape2 isu berbangkit boleh comment di column comment k. sesape yg berminat nak mengorder vitalea-iron formula ini, jgn malu2 utk contact saya ok =)


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Entri Sulung

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Since this is my very 1st entry in this blog, i would like to start with Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

This blog is created purposely for Shaklee products actually.

I am one of the Shaklee distributor.been a member since a few months ago. at 1st i would like to try the product for myself. then after more than 6 months been using Shaklee products consistently, Alhamdulillah i experienced a great results for me and my little daughter, Qistina Hamraa.

I started to use Vita-Lea iron formula (multivitamin). im taking this to prepare myself for 2nd pregnancy. i've been taking this inconsistently (culas makan ubat hehe). my plan was to take this multivitamin for at least 1 year prior to pregnancy, but Allah the Almighty had gave us His gift earlier. Alhamdulillah in April 2012, my urine pregnancy tested to be positive for the 2nd time.

Since then, i started to take supplements for pregnant mother from Shaklee (Vita-lea, SR vitamin C, vit B complex and osteomatrix) and add on omega and ESP from my 2nd trimester onwards. initially as usual im the culas lady, took supplements as i wanted and as i remembered. then Allah tested me with the recurrent gastritic attack during this pregnancy. i am a doctor who always diagnosed my patients with acute gastritis but i never experience it and yet, i got a lot of this during the 2nd pregnancy. its not that i skipped my breakfast, it's just a pregnancy induced gastritis (as my A+E boss said to me).

After so many magnesium trisillicate mixture and tablet or intravenous ranitidine taken, the gastritis episodes keep on coming to me.at last i decided to be consistent in taking Shaklee supplements.who knows by taking those supplements consistently, the gastritis episodes can be controlled or at least be reduced in frequency.at that time, i was just tired of having patients looking at me with the intravenous line (branula/cannula) at my hand (aka jarum masukkan air di tangan dalam bahasa senang).

Alhamdulillah, after persistently taking those supplements, my gastritis episodes weaned down and im happy to tell you that i never had any gastritis yet after entering my 3rd trimester.

i am also a beta thalassemia carrier, which makes me a candidate for anemic mother in pregnancy. even during my 1st pregnancy, my Hb (hemoglobin) level dropped until 7.7g/dL..yet i did nothing because i knew it's due to thalassemia, not iron deficiency anemia as other pregnant ladies experienced. as a pregnant mother, as usual the klinik kesihatan or O&G specialist clinic or other private clinic would suggested us to take supplements (vitamin mengandung) as in pregnancy, our nutritional needs must be optimal for the mother and baby in-utero. in this situation, i refused hematinics (those 4 kinds of tablets usually given by government clinic/hospital), obimin and iberet, because they caused me severely constipated. to defecate during pregnancy (my previous pregnancy , at that time, i was taking those pills) was a nightmare for me.
actually i am expecting the same if im using Shaklee vita-lea (because actually ferrous fumerate will induce constipation and ferrous fumerate is also one of the content in vita-lea Shaklee), but Alhamdulillah so far im not yet constipated. during this current pregnancy, my lowest Hb was 8.6g/dL with the normal iron in my body (low Hb solely due to thalassemia, not iron deficiency anemia) and yet even with Hb 8.6g/dL i am asymptomatic and able to go to work and did all the houseworks as usual.

during my 1st pregnancy, i experienced a severe bilateral leg cramps.almost every night both my legs had cramps. even one day i took EL (emergency leave) as i could not sleep at all the whole night with the persistent cramping of legs until next following morning. in this current pregnancy, the similar problem happened.i ignored at first as i still can handled it with my own method of healing (quickly woke up from sleep and start massaging and walking and jumping until the cramps went away). as my pregnancy progressed, the cramps problem getting more serious and finally i decided to take regular Shaklee osteomatrix and quite stunned with the outcome.it works! Alhamdulillah =)

i started to get pregnant (this 2nd pregnancy) when my 1st child was 1 year and 3 months old. at that time, she's still breastfeeding (mixed with formula feeding). there are pro and cons to be pregnant while you're still breastfeeding your child. however i decided to continue breastfeeding, looking at me and the baby in-utero's doing well. sadly when my 1st child was 1 year 7 months old, there's no more breastmilk excreted.i've tries so many massaging and drinking lots of water to induce relactation but failed.and again Allah showed me the miracle after consuming Shaklee product, 2 weeks after that, i was able to breastfeed my daughter again Alhamdulillah..rezeki anak =)

my little princess Qistina Hamraa was a picky eater. one of my friend (also a shaklee distributor earlier than me, at that time i wasnt one of them yet) suggested me Meal shake french vanilla flavor to my child. she had tried to her daughter and received a good result. as a mother, yes i asked a lot before introducing mealshake to my daughter, but finally i've made a decision to try (still with some doubt). i bought 1 canister of mealshake from her and started mixing the mealshake together with the anmum formula milk (my baby's on mixed formula anmum and breastfeeding). guess what, her appetite worsened! she refused all the solid food, even drinking milk only twice a day (5oz each). i started to get more worried at that time and blamed on Shaklee mealshake. so i discontinued Shaklee mealshake and told my friend how disappointed i was towards the Shaklee products.my child's weight reducing and many close relatives including my mother had noticed it. then one day, it came across my mind that its been more than 6 months since the last time i gave my child zentel (ubat cacing). so the next day, i purchased one from the nearest pharmacy and gave to her. yet her appetite was slightly improved. then, i decided to restart Shaklee mealshake back. Alhamdulillah until now, her appetite's improving and i am definitely the happiest mother in the world seeing my child started to eat as other children.

these are my experiences i wanted to share after consuming Shaklee products. after so many positive results, then im braved enough to share and suggested the Shaklee products to all of you. after all, prevention is better than cure =) let's altogether practising a healthy lifestyle!