Monday, February 25, 2013

masalah kesuburan???

sudah lama mendirikan rumahtangga tapi masih belum mendapat cahaya mata???

semestinya anda dan suami amat menginginkan cahaya mata penyeri rumah tangga.

apa2 pon, berjumpalah doktor dahulu untuk memastikan apakah punca kepada masalah kurang subur ini. setelah kajian dan penyelidikan dibuat dan mendapati anda dan suami normal, cuma tiada rezeki lagi, anda boleh mencuba set kesuburan SHAKLEE ini.

sememangnya diet dan kehidupan harian sendiri mempengaruhi kesuburan anda.

di antara supplemen2 yang disyorkan untuk anda dan pasangan ;

1) Zinc Complex - Zinc memberi kesan terhadap berbagai hormon termasuklah hormone sex, hormone thyroid, kemandulan bagi lelaki dan perempuan, prostate, thyroid yang tidak aktif . Kekurangan zinc juga dikatakan antara sebab kemandulan – Istilah yang di gunakan adalah “Below the level of technical sterility” bermaksud di bawah paras kesuburan. Ia mempengaruhi bilangan sperm (sperm count) dan pergerakannya (sperm motility). So, zinc ni mmg penting untuk kesuburan.

2) Vita-lea - untuk memastikan keperluan 12 vitamin dan 7 galian dipenuhi. Rata2 pengambilan makanan seharian kita tidak dapat memenuhi keperluan ini atas banyak sebab dan kekangan.Dan uniknya Vitalea @ multivitamin shaklee kerana ianya mengandungi iron formula yang sangat penting bagi tubuh.

3) B Complex – paling penting untuk elak kemurungan (anti-stress) & menstabilkan hormon. Uniknya vitamin b shaklee kerana ianya turut mengandungi Folic acid dan Biotin yang sangat penting untuk pembentukan darah dan kestabilan hormon.

4) Vit E - membantu meningkatkan hormon seks baik lelaki mahupun wanita..Uniknya vitamin E shaklee kerana turut mengandungi silenium manakala vitamin E kebanyakkan di pasaran adalah dijual berasingan dengan silenium. Ia juga sangat bagus untuk jantung tetapi waktu yang sama ia boleh meningkatkan pengeluaran hormon seks testosteron.

5) GLA Complex - membantu mengatasi masalah haid tidak teratur dan membantu menghasilkan cecair serviks yang subur & berkualiti.

6) Alfalfa Complex - membantu mengatasi rasa “sakit ketika bersama”, membantu atasi masalah keputihan, haid yang tidak teratur, senggugut dan membantu dalam hubungan suami isteri (bertindak seperti kacip fatimah).

*** Suami : zinc complex + vitalea + vitamin B complex + vitamin E (1 biji setiap hari)
*** Isteri : zinc complex + vitalea + vitamin B complex + vitamin E + GLA complex + alfalfa (1 biji setiap hari, Alfalfa 3-5 biji sehari)

Namun harus diingat, soal rezeki ini semuanya dari Allah. Kita sebagai manusia harus berusaha, berdoa dan bertawakal kepadaNya. In Shaa Allah.

sebarang pertanyaan, boleh sms/whatsapp/call/email @


Friday, February 22, 2013

codeine in anti-cough syrup

mother giving medicine to daughter
Feb. 20, 2013 -- The FDA is again warning of the risk for fatal and life-threatening side effects from codeine in young children who take the drug for pain relief after having their tonsils or adenoids removed for obstructive sleep apnea.
The FDA cites reports of three children who died and one who developed life-threatening breathing problems. The agency had previously highlighted these cases and now says it is conducting a review to see whether other cases occurred in children who took codeine after other types of surgery.
The four children were 2 to 5 years old, and all had evidence of a genetic variation of a liver enzyme.
This enzyme converts codeine into morphine, but the genetic variation carried by these children speeds up that process. That causes higher-than-normal levels of morphine in the blood after taking codeine.
High levels of morphine may result in breathing problems, which can be fatal, according to the FDA.
All of the children received codeine doses that were within the typical dose range, but they started to develop signs of trouble within one to two days. In the children who died, morphine concentrations were higher than what is typical, the FDA notes.
Parents and caregivers who notice unusual sleepiness, confusion, or difficult or noisy breathing in a child who has taken codeine should call 911 immediately, as these are signs of overdose.
The FDA is asking health care professionals to be aware of the risk of giving codeine to children, particularly in those who have had surgery to remove their tonsils or adenoids for obstructive sleep apnea. Doctors who prescribe the codeine should use the lowest effective dose for the shortest period of time on an as-needed basis. The drugs should not be used around the clock.
The genetic variation that leads to this reaction is estimated to happen in one to seven people per 100, but the incidence can be much higher in certain ethnic groups, the FDA cautions. For instance, among African/Ethiopian populations, nearly 1 in 3 may have this inherited condition.
The FDA notes that tests can tell if a person has this genetic variation.

*this article is taken from webMD. here shows the clearer reason why children below 2 years old should never been prescribed anti-cough medication ( most of anti-cough medications contain codeine)

so how to treat the upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) in children below 2 years old?

i always encountered a lot of URTI cases among children in clinic.most of the parents were expecting me to give anti-cough medication for their children, which i never give anyway.

-the strongest reason is ABOVE.
-2nd, most of the URTI is caused by viral infection, which will resolved as the children's body defense (immunity) will combat those viruses naturally. this will take up to 1 week for the symptoms to completely disappear.

why no antibiotic?
antibiotic is indicated only when there is source of BACTERIAL infection. not VIRUSES! yes when parents go to private clinic, they will prescribed your children antibiotic, mostly not because your children need it, but for their own financial benefit!

why the symptoms still not subsided after 1 week?
-1st, maybe there is secondary bacterial infection on top of viruses itself, this usually need to be proven by auscultation, chest X-Ray or blood investigation (Full Blood Count).
-2nd, maybe your children had another viral infection.REMEMBER there are thousands of viruses surrounding us. your children will not get similar viral infection as they are already immuned to it, but they will definitely potential of having other viral infections!

so parents, help your children to boost up their immunity by giving them a good healthy food and drinks! as for the children below 2 years old, the best food of all is definitely BREAST MILK!!!  please mothers, do not give up giving the BEST for your children!

yes you may top up your children's diet with vitamins if necessary. among the vitamins suggestable for your children that available from SHAKLEE products are;

any inquiry, please do not hesitate to call/sms/whatsapp/email me @ :

Thursday, February 7, 2013

ideal weight or happy weight?

assalamualaikum wbt...

Maybe you've been working on getting back to the weight you were at in high school or on your wedding day. But do you really need to go that low? Or can you weigh more than your ideal weight and still be healthy?
If you're overweight, losing just 10% of your body weight is linked to many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar, and reducing your risk for heart disease. This kind of weight loss is also easier to reach and keep for the long run.
woman on scale

Your Weight "Set Point"

Just as your body temperature is programmed to stay around 98.6 degrees (37'C), your body weight is naturally regulated to stay within a range of 10%-20%, says Thomas Wadden, PhD, director of the Center for Weight and Eating Disorders at University of Pennsylvania Medical School. This weight range is known as the "set point."
A complex set of hormones, chemicals, and hunger signals help your body keep your weight within this range, says dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD.
It is not just about your genes. Your eating and exercise habits can also help to determine your set point.
"Overeating swamps the internal regulatory system, and, as a result, the set point increases -- which is much easier to do than it is to lower it," Wadden says. The body adjusts to the higher weight and "resets" the set point to defend the new weight. 
It's still possible to set your range lower. "With changes in healthy eating and exercise behavior, you can lower your set point," says Blatner.

The 10% Solution to Weight Loss

Losing 10% of your body weight, and keeping it off for six months to a year, helps your body reset your set point, notes George Blackburn, MD, in his book, Break Through Your Set Point: How to Finally Lose the Weight You Want and Keep It Off.
When you lose large amounts of weight at once, you set up an internal struggle and hormones spike to make you hungrier as your body tries to defend its comfortable range, Wadden explains.
That's why experts recommend losing 10% by changing your eating and exercise habits, and then maintaining your new weight for a few months before trying to lose more. Your body will get the signal to lower its "set point," and you'll get used to new food choices, smaller portions, and regular exercise. 
Blatner says she has seen people who lose 10% of their weight "start to realize how a little weight loss impacts their health in very positive ways... They feel better, sleep better, have more energy or less joint pain, and some people are able to reduce medications."

How Much Should I Weigh?

Most people overestimate how much weight they can lose, which leads to frustration, says Blatner. To find your happy or healthy weight, Blatner suggests looking back on your weight history as an adult and identifying a weight you were able to maintain fairly easily.
Instead of focusing on the numbers on the scale, Blatner suggests setting goals for behavior. "Eat breakfast every day, go for daily walks, eat more fruits and vegetables," she says.  "When you set behavior goals, they are easier to accomplish and they make you feel good."  Stick with these behaviors for 3-6 months and they will become part of your life.
Based on your current weight, eat about 10 calories per pound of nutritious food (low in fat, rich in lean protein, high in fiber), get regular exercise, and assess your weight after a month or so.
"Your weight will settle out and typically you will lose 10%, then hit a plateau, which is a good time to maintain the weight loss," Wadden says.
As you get to a healthy weight, you can go up to 12 calories per pound.

Tips for Weight Loss Success

Here are some tips from Blatner for weight loss success:
  1. Eat regular meals.  People who eat regular meals eat fewer calories than those who eat at random times.
  2. Use a plate, sit down, and enjoy your meals. People who do this eat smaller portions than those who eat out of containers or on the run, according to Blatner.
  3. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate activity each day.
  4. How much and what you eat makes a big difference.  Enjoy normal portions of foods that are high in fiber (fruits, veggies, whole grains) and rich in lean or low fat protein is the secret to feeling full.
  5. Think beyond the scale. Focus on the benefits of a healthier lifestyle rather than any particular number.

here's are suggestion to help you achieve and maintain your ideal weight.

no need to take all the supplements suggested peeps! for the best combination of supplements, please do not hesitate to call/whatsapp/sms/email me at :


i will be delightful to help you in any way i could =)


vitamin C

assalamualaikum wbt...

Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients. It may not be the cure for the common cold (though it's thought to help prevent more serious complications). But the benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling.
A recent study published in Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine that looked at over 100 studies over 10 years revealed a growing list of benefits of vitamin C.
"Vitamin C has received a great deal of attention, and with good reason. Higher blood levels of vitamin C may be the ideal nutrition marker for overall health," says study researcher Mark Moyad, MD, MPH, of the University of Michigan. "The more we study vitamin C, the better our understanding of how diverse it is in protecting our health, from cardiovascular, cancerstrokeeye health [and] immunity to living longer."
"But," Moyad notes, "the ideal dosage may be higher than the recommended dietary allowance."

How Much Vitamin C Is Enough?

Most of the studies Moyad and his colleagues examined used 500 daily milligrams of vitamin C to achieve health results. That's much higher than the RDA of 75-90 milligrams a day for adults. So unless you can eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, you may need to take a dietary supplement of vitamin C to gain all the benefits, Moyad says. He suggests taking 500 milligrams a day, in addition to eating five servings of fruits and vegetables.
"It is just not practical for most people to consume the required servings of fruits and vegetables needed on a consistent basis, whereas taking a once-daily supplement is safe, effective, and easy to do," Moyad says. He also notes that only 10% to 20% of adults get the recommended nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
Moyad says there is no real downside to taking a 500-milligram supplement, except that some types may irritate the stomach. That's why he recommends taking a non-acidic, buffered form of the vitamin. "The safe upper limit for vitamin C is 2,000 milligrams a day, and there is a great track record with strong evidence that taking 500 milligrams daily is safe," he says.
Still, American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Dee Sandquist, RD, suggests doing your best to work more fruits and vegetables into your diet before takingsupplements.
"Strive to eat nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily, because you will get a healthy dose of vitamin C along with an abundance of other vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that are good for disease prevention and overall health," she says.
While a cup of orange juice or a half-cup of red pepper would be enough to meet your RDA for Vitamin C, here are all the foods and beverages you'd need to consume to reach 500 milligrams (mg):
  • Cantaloupe, 1 cup (8 ounces): 59mg
  • Orange juice, 1 cup: 97mg
  • Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup: 74mg
  • Red cabbage, 1/2 cup: 40mg
  • Green pepper, 1/2 cup, 60mg
  • Red pepper, 1/2 cup, 95mg
  • Kiwi, 1 medium: 70mg
  • Tomato juice, 1 cup: 45mg

so peeps, let's live a happy life naturally by taking natural vitamin C supplement from shaklee!

its your choice either to choose slow release vitamin C (500mg/tab) or chewable vitamin C (100mg/tab)!


interested? sms/whatsapp/call/email me at :



Wednesday, February 6, 2013

which shaklee products suit you the best for breastfeeding?

assalamualaikum wbt...

dah lama tak update blog disebabkan oleh kekangan masa dan patients makin ramai di klinik recently. tak sempat nak curi masa update kat klinik (patient 1st!)

hari ni saya nak share serba sedikit tentang shaklee products yang sesuai digunakan oleh ibu-ibu yang menyusu badan aka breastfeeding.








perlu ke ambik semua ni utk breastfeeding? jawapannya TIDAK. supplemen-supplemen di atas boleh diambil mengikut kesesuaian anda dan mengikut kadar penghasilan susu badan anda.


jangan segan silu utk menghubungi saya =)

sms/whatsapp/call : 017-9069616


Saturday, February 2, 2013

February's promo -omegaguard!

bulan ni Shaklee's promo is omegaguard (buy 6 free 1)!

jom kite tinjau apakah kelebihan omegaguard shaklee ni ye =)

mengapa ia dikatakan minyak ikan terbaik di dunia?

Shaklee omegaguard diekstrak dari ikan laut air sejuk (sardin, mackerel, herring, anchovies) di perairan negara Jepun.ia bukan dari ahti minyak ikan. omega guard adalah 3 kali lebih tumpat dari ketumpatan hati minyak ikan. berbanding dengan produk omega di pasaran, omegaguard merupakan minyak ikan paling tulen di dunia yang mengandungi rangkaian spectrum penuh 7 jenis asid lemak omega-3 semulajadi termasuk EPA, DHA, ALA dan banyak lagi.satu sajian omegaguard dapat membekalkan 905mg asid lemak omega-3 EPA dan DHA.

apakah fungsi omegaguard?

  • asid lemak - omega-3 merupakan asid lemak yg penting yang tak dapat dihasilkan oleh badan kita dan perlu diambil dari makanan. omega-3 dari asas tumbuhan tidak boleh ditukarkan kepada EPA dan DHA secara berkesan oleh badan. omega-3 membantu rembesan prostaglandin dengan lebih berkesan untuk menghalang prostatomegaly (BPH - benign prostate hyperplasia) seterusnya membantu dalam masalah membuang air kecil . ia juga membantu mengimbangi perubahan dalam kepekatan hormon wanita yang menyebabkan PMS
  • mencegah pengecilan saluran darah disebabkan oleh saluran darah menyempit - DHA dan EPA membantu menentang thrombosis (menghindar pembekuan darah dalam badan), mengawal tekanan darah tinggi dan membantu peredarah darah yang lancar. 
  • merendahkan kolesterol dalam badan dengan meng'optimize'kan kandungan trigliserida (TGL) dan LDL (kolesterol tidak baik - low density lipid) -mengawal masalah obesity, mencegah atherosclerosis seterusnya mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung.
  • membantu tumbesaran dan perkembangan otak janin dan membantu perkembangan memori - DHa adalah nutrien utama untuk otak, sistem saraf dan retina.ia penting terutamanya 3 bulan terakhir perkembangan otak janin semasa di dalam kandungan.susu ibu mengandungi DHA yang tinggi. DHA meningkatkan keupayaan ingatan dan pembelajaran, mencegah penyakit alzheimer, memelihara penglihatan dan pendengaran dan mencegah migrain.
  • menigkatkan sistem imun dan meyihatkan paru-paru.
  • memelihara fungsi sendi (arthritis) - paras asid lemak omega-3 larut dalam tisu rawan.oleh sebab itu, ia boleh mencegah kemusnahan enzim yang membentuk tisu rawan. ia mencegah arthritis, memelihara fungsi-fungsi sendi dan gout dengan efektif.
  • mencegah insomnia dan membantu mengurangkan tekanan - EPA dan DHA mempunyai keupayaan untuk menstabilkan emosi dan membantu dalam perkembangan kesihatan mental, termasuk kemurungan, tekanan, anxiety, neurasthenia, insomnia, autism, kanak-kanak hyperactive dan schizophrenia.
  • omega-3 juga membantu badan bertindak dengan lebih berkesan terhadap hormon leptin -leptin berfungsi mengurangkan nafsu makan, meninggikan kadar metabolism dan membantu membakar lemak untuk tenaga. semua ini menolong mengurangkan berat badan seterusnya mengekalkan berat badan di tahap yang ideal
cadangan pengambilan :
  1. untuk trimester kedua dan ketiga pregnancy : 1 kapsul sekali sehari (selepas lunch/dinner)
  2. untuk penjagaan kesihatan : 1-2 kapsul dua kali sehari (sebelum atau sesudah makan)
  3. untuk sakit tulang/kolesterol tinggi/tekanan darah tinggi : 2 kapsul 2 kali sehari

jangan malu-malu segan-segan untuk call/sms/whatsapp/email saya :


Friday, February 1, 2013

jom turunkan berat badan dengan shaklee!

assalamualaikum wbt...

recently ada customer bertanyakan mengenai slimming set shaklee. setelah diamati (of course blog hopping) + discussion with the mentor + men'stadi' buku panduan nutrisi shaklee, here's the best solution and a few choices that can be made :


ia mengandungi 9 herba semulajadi : alfalfa leaves, senna leaves, anise seed, blue malva flower, buckhorn bark, licorice root, rhubarb root, fennel seed, culver's root.

fungsi :
  • pembersihan najis yang tersekat
  • merangsang usus untuk percepatkan proses pembersihan secara lembut kepada najis yang tersekat atau tersimpan lama dalam tubuh kita
  • membantu masalah sembelit
  • tindakan pembersihannya yang lembut boleh mengembalikan semula proses semulajadi pergerakan usus (natural bowel movement)
  • mengempiskan perut
dos :  3biji dua kali sehari (total 6 biji/sehari) - selepas makan dan sebelum tidur


diperbuat daripada tanaman alfalfa (medicago sativa) secara organik di California yang bebas dari pestisid, herbasid dan menggunakan bahan kompos/baja bebas kimia

fungsi : 
  • mencuci hati, darah dan usus - kealkaliannya boleh mengembalikan kenormalan badan yang berasid, menghilangkan toksin dari badan, membersihkan hati, kolon, darah dan mencantikkan kulit dan otot.
  • melawan alahan - memperbaiki keadaan kulit dan hidung sensitif, kurap, bau badan dan ulat air dengan berkesan
  • baik untuk perubahan patologi di dalam usus dan perut - memperbaiki masalah saluran penghadaman seperti kembung, hyperacidity, gastrik dan sembelit
  • menyingkirkan lemak dan kolesterol - alfalfa mengandungi saponin, seperti span yang bertindak sebagai serat yang menyerap kolesterol
  • melegakan keletihan
  • mencegah/merawat arthritis
dos : 3-4 kali sehari, 10 biji setiap pengambilan (diambil dengan air kosong)


ESP ini dihasilkan oleh kacang soya yang hanya mengandungi "non-GMO (non-genetically modified organism) yang mana ianya diproses pada kadar suhu yang rendah. tambahan pula setiap 850g (satu canister ESP) dihasilkan daripada 30kg kacang soya dan memberikan sumber tenaga segera dan boleh bertahan lama. ianya lengkap dengan 9 asid amino penting (essential amino acid) yang tidak dapat dihasilkan oleh tubuh manusia selain turut diperkaya dengan 5 sumber vitamin dan 4 sumber mineral. indeks glisemiknya yang rendah (39) menjadikannya amat sesuai kepada penghidap kencing manis.

fungsi :
  • pembekal tenaga
  • membaiki memori
  • membaiki pigmentasi
  • merangsang pembentukan semula kulit dan otot, mengurangkan kedutan, mempercepatlan penyembuhan luka, agen antipenuaan
  • baik untuk hormon - kacang soya mengandungi isoflavones yang berfungsi seperti hormon wanita - membantu merendahkan kolesterol, mencegah risiko osteoporosis dan sakit jantung
  • awet muda - asid amino penting untuk membina otot, kuku, rambut, darah dan lain-lain. pengambilan yang kerap adalah kunci kepada awet mudados

dos : 2-3 kali sehari, 1 sudu besar (boleh di shake dengan mana2 minuman sejuk kegemaran anda)


terdapat dalam 3 jenis perisa (chocholate, vanilla, cafe latte). setiap kali anda minum shaklee cinch, anda akan mendapat 24g protein, 24 jenis vitamin dan mineral penting dan 6g serat larut. indeks glisemiknya yang rendah (22) amat sesuai untuk penghidap kencing manis. cinch gune menggunakan soya non-GMO seperti ESP.

fungsi :
  • kandungan leucine membantu memelihara otot semasa anda menurunkan berat badan
  • tinggi kandungan serat -6g serat setiap hidangan
  • glycemic yang rendah (indeks glisemik 22) membantu mengekalkan gula darah yang normal dan mengekalkan tenaga


di ekstrak dari kacang soya organik (non-GM0), setiap kapsul mengandungi 520mg lecithin soya termasuk 80mg kolin dan 48mg inositol

fungsi :
  • menyerap vitamin yang larut lemak (A,D,E,K)
  • pemecahan lemak dan kolesterol - lecithin bertindak sebagai "pembersih' salur darah, pengambilan tambahan membantu mengemulsi dan metabolisma lemak, kolesterol dan trigliserid dalam tubuh
  • pelangsingan - menghalang obesiti dengan mempercepatkan proses pembakaran lemak untuk kesan pelangsingan yg seimbang
  • meringankan sembelit - lecithin adalah pelembut najis yang berkesan

dos : 2-3 kali sehari, 6 kapsul setiap kali (sebelum atau selepas makan)


Shaklee omegaguard diekstrak dari ikan laut air sejuk (sardin, mackerel, herring, anchovies) di perairan negara Jepun.ia bukan dari ahti minyak ikan. omega guard adalah 3 kali lebih tumpat dari ketumpatan hati minyak ikan. berbanding dengan produk omega di pasaran, omegaguard merupakan minyak ikan paling tulen di dunia yang mengandungi rangkaian spectrum penuh 7 jenis asid lemak omega-3 semulajadi termasuk EPA, DHA, ALA dan banyak lagi.satu sajian omegaguard dapat membekalkan 905mg asid lemak omega-3 EPA dan DHA.

fungsi : 
  • omega-3 juga membantu badan bertindak dengan lebih berkesan terhadap hormon leptin -leptin berfungsi mengurangkan nafsu makan, meninggikan kadar metabolism dan membantu membakar lemak untuk tenaga. semua ini menolong mengurangkan berat badan seterusnya mengekalkan berat badan di tahap yang ideal

dos : 2 kapsul 2 kali sehari

call/sms/whasapp/email me if interested =)

